Step 3 — PAINT

Once the preparation work is done, the fun begins. You are now ready to paint. Before you get started, read through the tips below.

  • Consider priming: Primer is not always required, but, in some cases, we do recommend priming. Read here what primer is, how it works and when to use it.
  • Consider using a liner in your paint tray: Using a liner in your paint tray makes it easy to change from primer to paint, and from one paint colour to another. It also makes cleaning a lot easier.
  • Start from the top: Start by painting your ceiling. Then paint your walls. Finish off with your trims and eventually the floor. When you paint your ceiling and walls, you’ll probably splatter small drops of paint onto your trims. These will be covered if you paint the trims last.
  • Paint with good light: An evening paint job with a friend and a good playlist might sound like fun. Beware of painting in low lighting, however, as you’ll probably end up with an uneven, patchy finish.
  • One surface—one go: Paint one surface at a time. It’s not a good idea to go for a lunch break with only a half-painted wall, as the paint will dry and leave a visible overlap when you return to it.
  • Breaks: When you do need to take an extended break, be sure to wrap your brush and roller in cling film and place the paint tray into a plastic bag. Make sure the cling film and plastic bag are airtight. This will keep your paint, brush, and roller from drying out for several hours, and up to a day or two.
  • Consider boxing your paint: Boxing paint mean mixing paints from more container in one, before painting. Paint is made of natural materials, and the amount of pigment and the intensity of pigment can vary slightly with every batch. If you have two or more containers of Blēo paint for the same surface, we recommend ‘boxing’ the paint before you get started. 

Now, get ready to PAINT 

  • Start by cutting in: Use an oval paint brush to ‘cut in’, meaning painting a border around windows, trims, ceiling and wall corners. When you are done cutting in and painting a border around the first surface, grab your roller. 
  • Roll in W-shapes: When you roll, start from the top of the wall and roll in W-patterns. This helps to minimise visible roller marks.
  • Finish one wall at a time: When you have ‘cut in’ one wall, immediately continue with the roller to paint the entire wall before continuing to the next wall. If you roll out the wall right away, while the cut-in paint is still wet, the cut-in paint and the wall paint will blend better. Consider painting a thicker border near the ceiling with your brush, to ensure your roller doesn’t hit the ceiling.
  • Use the right amount of paint for your roller: Too little, and you will have to apply a lot of pressure and end up exhausted. Too much, and you will leave thick layers of paint unevenly distributed on the surface.
  • Paint two coats: Always paint two coats. Wait 8-10 hours between the layers. 
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